Flat Lateral Hip/Thigh Support Pads Mounted From The Back
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Flat Lateral Hip/Thigh Supports mounted from the back provide lateral control of the pelvis as well as queing for midline positioning of the pelvis. When ordering this accessory, you must choose a mounting hardware option. If this positioning pad is to be mounted by Biodynamics on a Bio-ST seat or back, black aluminum tracks will be provided to allow for maximum adjustability. If this positioning pad is to be mounted by Biodynamics on a Bio-ST-HD seat or back, a rounded groove in the interface plate will be installed to provide maximum adjustability.
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The Flat Lateral Hip/Thigh Support Pads offered by BioDynamics assist in controlling unwanted lateral weight shifts as well as keeping the pelvis centered on the seat. Their use can prevent orthopedic deformities from occurring as well as halt the further deterioration of an existing deformity. The pelvis will be supported and stabilized allowing for more efficient use of the upper and lower extremities. By choosing from the Hip/Thigh Support product numbers below, the pads are to be mounted to the Solid Back Insert.
Our pads are made with a Kydex base covered with a ½" layer of Sunmate foam. The entire perimeter of the pad is also covered with Sunmate foam to offer the consumer protection from all surfaces of the Lateral Trunk Support Pad he/she may come in contact with.
We offer a comprehensive selection of standard size pads. If a custom size is needed, select the appropriate product number below and specify size needed.
Pads are sold in pairs.
If covering other than Black Neoprene is desired, replace the last two digits of the model number (NB) with those from Color Selection section.
i.e.- BIS-NB becomes BIS-NE when color Eggplant is desired.
A mounting hardware option needs to be selected: - If the above support pads are being installed in a new or existing BioDynamics Solid Back by our staff, select one of the pre-configured mounting hardware option from section B
- If the above support pads are being installed by RTS, Clinicians, Technician or other select one of the mounting hardware option from section B 1.2.1.